BASIS International & Bilingual Schools · China (BIBS · C) is renowned for its rigorous academic program and outstanding academic achievement. We understand the importance of giving our faculty high-quality training and mentoring to empower them to deliver excellent classroom experiences. Central to this commitment is the annual Summer Institute, an intensive training program marking the start of our new teachers’ professional journeys at BIBS · C.

BASIS International & Bilingual Schools Signs    BASIS teachers at summer institute

This year’s Summer Institute was held at one of our flagship campuses, BASIS International School Shenzhen, bringing together approximately 400 new BIBS · C teachers from our 13 campuses in China to receive tailored training for their specific roles. More than 200 academic leaders and over 100 administrators from the Ascend International Education Group and all the campuses facilitated the learning journeys, preparing faculty to teach in one of the world’s most well-regarded school networks.

BASIS Faculty at Summer Institute opening speech Dr. Mark Reford, BASIS Global CEO

In the opening session, Dr. Mark Reford, BASIS Global CEO, set the tone for the week, saying “This event, when all teachers and managers new to BIBS · C come together to learn about our mission and how we live it, is a highly important tradition for us.” He highlighted the goal of focusing maximum effort on exceptional teaching and faculty mentoring and explained the role of our administrators in fostering a culture of educational excellence. “The most important responsibility given to your managers is the observation and coaching of you—their teachers. That institutional emphasis on the quality of teaching is unprecedented in my years of work experience as an educator across three continents and many schools.”

BASIS Faculty Clapping

In addition to an overview of the network’s educational philosophy and processes, this year’s program featured over 250 division, subject, and course-specific sessions and workshops led by our academic managers, who delved into curriculum and teaching strategies. Faculty participated in discipline-specific training led by Department Chairs and met with their Course Advisors (CADs), experienced teachers who provide content guidance. Middle and High School Chairs conducted AP-specific sessions, addressing the unique aspects of teaching advanced placement courses. Early Childhood and Primary School teachers received training on their roles and co-teaching strategies.

Summer Institute group work Summer Institute collaboration

A new addition this year was Chair office hours, giving teachers one-on-one time with their subject area Chair to review essential course curriculum documents such as course outline templates and teacher guidebooks. Additional Q&A sessions provided forums for teachers to ask further course and subject questions and integrate insights from various Summer Institute sessions. “The level of support is like nowhere else I’ve worked,” shared Andrew Peterson, a founding teacher at BASIS Bilingual School Guangming Shenzhen. “It is quite incredible having such a big pool of people to draw experience from. Many of the instructors of the sessions have educated me way more than anything else I’ve done in my past education experiences.”

Maria Clark, a BASIS Bilingual School Shenzhen teacher, noted how the training helped her feel confident about her new role: “I know exactly what’s expected of me. All the learning outcomes and the benchmark tests have been explained, so I know exactly what is coming up. It makes me feel quite prepared for the upcoming year.”

To enhance learning further, Heads of Departments and Chairs conducted Teaching & Learning workshops tailored for each division. These ranged from “I Can Statements; Playful Learning” for Early Childhood educators to “Developing Self-Directed Learners” for High School faculty, ensuring teachers learned strategies relevant to their students’ developmental stages.

Leadership Training

Our teachers were not the only ones learning and collaborating this week. As the network’s training leaders and mentors, our academic managers are essential in establishing consistently high teaching standards across all our campuses. They gathered to exchange ideas, discuss best practices, and align on network goals. This marks the first chapter of much more academic communications and collaborative workshops throughout the new school year.

Summer Institute leadership training Summer Institute leadership learning

Jessica Loots, Head of Early Childhood Education at BASIS International & Bilingual Schools Chengdu, shared her perspective on the leadership sessions: “As a school leadership team, we have forged a connection that goes beyond the mere exchange of ideas. We have shared a vision that unites us in our quest to provide an exceptional education, and we have meticulously laid out plans to turn this vision into reality. This collaborative spirit is the cornerstone of our success and the key to our continuous improvement.”

Building an Efficient and Collaborative Community

While professional learning was the primary focus of the Summer Institute, there was an emphasis on building a strong community across all campuses in our network. Dr. Erica Smeltzer, Head of School at BASIS International School Guangzhou, highlighted that the network’s strength lies in the human connections and collaborations between teachers, department Chairs, heads of divisions, and heads of schools across the network. “The policies, initiatives, and curriculum resources that emerge out of these far-reaching collaborations are the products and the purpose of the network.”

BASIS Teachers collaborating at Summer Institute teachers at Summer Institute

The Summer Institute played a crucial role in establishing these connections among our faculty, enabling them to share experiences, insights, and best practices, creating a supportive community encompassing the entire network and extending beyond the Summer Institute.

Alicia Renee Lu, a BASIS International School Guangzhou teacher, commented, “It’s been great to connect with teachers, especially in my subject area, and to understand what the network is about and that we’re not just one campus. If I want to get resources from other teachers, I can reach out to them.”

Anca Pop, a BASIS International & Bilingual Schools Wuhan teacher, shared, “I’m impressed by the sense of community that I experienced throughout the various workshops. One of the highlights is my impression about BIBS · C: how much care it takes of its staff.”

BASIS Teachers at lunch BASIS Leadership at Summer Institute Cruise Summer Institute festivities BASIS faculty enjoying Summer Institute Cruise

Shared meals and social activities further provided opportunities to build relationships in more relaxing settings. One highlight was a memorable sunset dinner cruise from Shekou Port to view the stunning Shenzhen skyline across the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge, a sea bridge that opened to traffic in June.

Summer Institute festivities

While the Summer Institute sets the foundation for the year ahead, it is just the beginning of our teachers’ ongoing growth and development journeys. Following the Summer Institute, teachers headed to their schools, joining returning faculty for a week of on-site training. As the school year gets underway, their professional learning will continue through regular coaching sessions with their managers, professional learning days, and collaboration meetings. It is this ongoing commitment to professional excellence that truly defines the teaching and learning experience for both our faculty and our students.

BASIS Teachers and Shenzhen city skylineBASIS Summer Institute

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