ELL Teaching Team: Empowering English Languange Learners
English Language Learners (ELL) are students...
Growing With BASIS
Growing with BASIS: A School Leader Transitions from Guangzhou to Nanjing
Establishing a Strong...
Letter from the Head of School: Jamie Davis, BASIS International School Nanjing
Discovering a sense of home in a...
Growing With BASIS
Growing with BASIS: From Shenzhen to Nanjing
Henry Burch is an experienced chemistry teacher who has worked at BASIS...
BASIS International School Nanjing Celebrates Their First Graduating Class
Four years ago, the first batch of students was warmly...
Student Activities
Model United Nations Clubs at BASIS International Schools
Throughout BASIS International Schools, our...
In the Classroom
Summer Programs at BASIS International School Nanjing
Summer time is for fun, relaxation, but also for...
In the Classroom
Exploring the World of Art
Part of ensuring our students are well-rounded learners...
Meet the Teacher